The Canadian Eskimo, also known as a Husky, is not to be confused with its Russian counter part the Siberian or Arctic Husky. The Husky  is slightly heavier and a far more ancient breed then the Siberian or Arctic Husky. It was used for hunting and sleding by the indigenous Inuit people of Canada, Greenland, and Alaska for thousands of years. Due to its thick coat and well muscled frame, the powerful breed fairs well in the desolate landscapes of the far north. However, the use of skidoos and other dog breeds bred for similar tasks led to the eventual extinction of the Husky by 1970. Now though the breed is re-establishing its excistance and has begun gaining popularity in Britain and other parts of Europe, where it is used for recreational purposes or competitive sledding and of course as a companion.

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Considering the dogs large size, which can be anywhere between 60-105lb, it has a long life expectancy at 10-12 years old.  Because I t is 100 pounds of pure muscle this is a breed that requires  quite a bit of exercise. Also taking in to consideration its likeness to a small bear it should be obvious that the Eskimo Dog needs groomed regularly. This is a breed that requires more care then the average breed but they certainly have their own rustic charm.

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